In this section of the website you’ll find everything relating to our boat, Freeman cruisers in general and the Great Ouse river system. We will add more content as and when time allows, and have many plans. We are investigating the possibility of including some video footage at a later date.
We also intend to add a ‘hands-on’ section, where we can describe in much greater detail how we tackled various tasks. We don’t claim that ours is necessarily the only way, but it worked for us. We will include downloadable guides that can be printed out and kept.
We have now updated the friends section and apologise to anybody who has sent in pictures of their boat for the delay in updating this section. If we’ve missed anybody, it maybe that your email has been lost, so feel free to send it again and we’ll upload details to the site straight away. If you’d like a picture or two of your boat on this site, just
e-mail us, we’d love to hear from you.
If we find a company or product that we feel may be of use to other boaters we will endeavour to place details in the links section of this site. If you have a suggestion for a link, e-mail us and let us know.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for their kind words regarding this site, it makes all the hard work seem worthwhile. If you find this site interesting, feel free to include a link to us on your own site or blog.