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First meeting

Dudley on the day he pursuaded us that we really needed to adopt him!
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Cheeky boy

On his first day with us exploring the kitchen table and looking quite pleased with himself
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Handsome fella

Settling down for the first of many cuddles
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Wallace & Gromit

Dudley, who appears to be accompanied by Gromit on the first walk on his new patch
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Enjoying a fuss

Even more cuddles... Starting to feel well and truly at home, cuddling his mum on the sofa and thinking 'I could really get used to this...'
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What's so funny?

Dudley and Marina share a joke!
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Legs up

Making himself right at home
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Enjoying the snow

We are glad to report that Dudley is not a fair weather dog. Just as well because the first week we had him we had snow.
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You lookin' at me?

Almost home... Soon be able to sprawl out across his sofa and warm his toes.
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Sunny walkies

The weather may have been cold, but most of the time it was sunny. We were very glad of the nice warm coat that Greyhoundhomer supply when you adopt a hound. You also get a new collar, lead and muzzle, 6 weeks pet insurance and the dogs are neutered, wormed and flea treated.
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Snow almost gone

One of the local footpaths which makes up part of one of our favourite, longer, weekend walks.
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And here he is again, showing off his dapper coat!
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Millennium Park

Just a short drive from where we live is Debenham Lake - a new wildlife area set up to commemorate the Millennium.
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Dudders and owl

This striking sculpture of an owl is set by the side of the lake.
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Posing again

Again, the sun shines and most of the snow had melted...
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Loving the snow

...except in the shaded bits. Here he is doing dressage.
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Get into the groove

His talents and interests are very diverse. Here he's helping Si in the studio to lay down some sounds... or be a nuisance, not sure which!
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Daddy duddles

At least one of us has to endure this every evening when we get home from work...
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Not quite right!

...but this was a one-off! In fact, it was almost a Dudley-off, but he was very determined to share it!
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Crowfield Churchyard

This was taken in the very picturesque Crowfield churchyard. The red blob on Dudley's coat is a clip-on flashing red light as used by cyclists. There is no street lighting in our village and no footpaths, so we have to take precautions to make sure we are visible at night.